Black people that comprise the African Nation.
African Nation defined:
“The African nation […] is a community of people whose core identity is based on historical ties to the equatorial continent of black Africa, contributing to a common culture, history and physiognomy.
The African nation is also comprised of all those African people who have been forcibly dispersed to various places in the world through colonial slavery. Dispersed Africans were part of the process of the development of capitalism and the European nation, a process that requires our subjugation and national incoherence.
Additionally, the African nation is comprised of many who experience a sense of sameness, a subjective connection to Africa, mainly because of skin color that helps to define their imperialist-inspired impoverished and oppressed state of existence.
The Dalit in India, the Indigenous of Australia and other areas where the African presence goes back to earliest times, such as in the Asia-Pacific region, are included in this category.