African People's Socialist Party

Do You Know About AFRICOM

Do You Know About AFRICOM is a campaign led by the African People’s Socialist Party D.C. This campaign is one that will expose how the U.S. contributes to the unending conflicts, exploitation and oppression that plague the African continent and ensure their interest through military intervention.

Every African around the world should know about AFRICOM and how it relates to the ongoing militarism in black communities in DC and beyond. The sinister U.S. military command bases littering the entire African continent to provoke and foment proxy wars across the motherland while the police occupation of black communities in the U.S. monitor and capture Africans who represent nearly half of all prisoners. AFRICOM was established in 2007 and became operational in 2008 to entrench U.S. imperialist hegemony under the guise of fighting “terrorism”.

We must wage a relentless and vigorous struggle to free Africans from U.S. and European imperialism. We start by joining revolutionary organization building to unite Africa under one socialist government.

  1. US Military training, advising, or tactical deployments during 2013
  2. US military training, advising or tactical deployments during 2012
  3. US “security cooperation”
  4. Army National Guard partnerships
  5. US bases, forward operating sites (FOSes), contingency, security locations(CSLs), contingency locations (CLs), airports with fueling agreements, and various shared facilities
  6. US military training/advising of indigenous troops carried out in a third country during 2013
  7. US military training/advising of indigenous troops carried out in a third country during 2012

We are currently adding information to our pages, so check back often to see updates and opportunities to participate in this growing campaign.

We can be reached at or (202) 642-4672